An gary brids was amazing, time to say goodbye! But...

Hi, this isn't your normal announcement. I'm going to announce something huge regarding an gary brids, but please take the time to read this!!

Woah, so what, 1.2 years? An gary brids was probably one my favorite games to develop, especially so considering it was my first collab game. We started the project in March of 2023 when me and sansbro27 (the only collaborator at the time) decided to make a game together. We didn't settle on what we wanted to do yet but we did something involving an gary birds which was nothing more than a funny gartic phone drawing I did. We started the project on Gandi IDE but I took the file and imported it to turbowarp so I could finish up some things. I asked kamipons if he could make a track for an gary brids and my god, HE COOKED. So I included the track in the game and I released the game on my not expecting much, but it received some positive reviews. Not alot, only just from online friends but they were cool to hear once we spread word of the project. Maybe a week afterwards, I decided to make a content update which added a bird and a bird variant to the biggest chungus. The update was actually well received so me and sansbro27 brainstormed one of the biggest updates to an gary brids yet. 16 new birds, new modes, a 2 whole ass shops and much more (you can read the full update log in previous devlogs). It was so huge in fact we included two more collaborators to join in on the project, swagratchild and greenbubba. This update went on for 2 months, not because it was hard to code but there was a lack of motivation for the update. But eventually, one day I had a sudden wave of motivation, So I got up and said “fuck it let's do it” and finished the entire update in one sitting, with it eventually releasing. It was really cool to see it get some good attention, and I love how it even got, although significantly small, but a community around it. It was so good my friends decided to make mods of the scratch port in celebration of the new update including me. But then something happened, me and sansbro27 started to argue alot and eventually I split ways with the collaboratirs which led me to continue developing an gary brids by myself. I made a new update for the game a few months later with some programming helped from swagratchild. Then it was a dark age for an gary brids, with the project sitting still left unupdated for months. And the community for an gary brids was probably not active anymore. I found myself alone, and even though I had a new friend group at the time I eventually argued with them which made me think they were just as bad as the old one I left so, I left them too, eventually having no group. So I sat alone with no help, and an gary brids was left to rot. One day, I think on January 17th this year I got a DM from one of my old friends of the newer group I left. They decided to give me another chance because they saw the good potential in me and they believed in second chances. So I went back into the newer group, and everything was good again, but then that gave me courage to apologize to sansbro for the arguments I have caused, and he eventually accepted and I was back into the older group with swagratchild and greenbubba. Which led up to the discussion of an gary brids. We talked about how massive of a project it was and it was amazing, when I got the idea to remake an gary brids. And not just the gameplay, I mean EVERYTHING, from the ground up. It will take some time but I have amazing new ideas for the new remake. And that is where we come to today. Unfortunately, this version of an gary brids will no longer be updated but will be left up with the source code still open so anybody can make mods of their own if they want. There will be a bigger and better version of an gary brids in the works, which will not only have the bullet hell gameplay it has, but it will include more fun gameplay and unique birds, and will bring a slingshot mode to the game with its own level editor. The name of the game is still being decided, but it will be awesome trust me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I'll be making new devlogs on a new an gary brids discord server after this keeping up to date with the new an gary brids remake. To anybody that has played this game, thank you even if it was for 5 minutes. I hope you all are just as excited for this new remake as I am. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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